Friday, 31 May 2019

Little Red Riding Hood Dictation

Little Red Riding Hood lived in a charming cottage by the gloomy woods. On a bright cloudless day Little Red Riding Hood heard her grandma was ill so she set of into the dark woods. She met a vicious brown wolf. She left the path to get away from him. The wolf got to grandma’s house first, but grandma fought like a ninja she protected herself and her granddaughter.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Character Rosabella

My character’s name is  Rosa Bella. My character has got a turquoise bow and a pink ribbons. My fairy is kind. She likes helping other fairies. She likes to go out to the forest and make new friends.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

My pick a path story

Today I walked to school. The sun was shine. Do I walk along the beach or go through the forest?

beach. I went to the beach and I built a sandcastle. Do I go the playground or the sop?

Shop. I walked to the shop and I bought some lollies.

finally I arrived at school.