Thursday, 20 December 2018

Carnival 2018

What an amazing day. The sun was shinning and there was laughter and music happy teachers and happy student. Such a nice way to end the year. Merry Christmas and  a Happy New Year to all.

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Ms Tumahai's dog Willow

Our teacher Ms Tumahai brought her dog to school. Her name is Willow and she is 6 months old. We got to walk her and brush her coat. I think Willow is a good dog.

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Tuakana Teina with Team 5

This term our focus is on reading and how we can share and get support from the people 
around us. Room 25 would like to thank Miss Tapuke , Team 5 , Mr Moran and Room 22
for being so caring and kind and giving your time to read with us.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

PENN Room 25 Term 2

We have been learning about how simple machines help us in the physical world. Our news looks at how a pulley makes it easier to lift heavy loads. Mr Jacobsen came to our space with his pulley and attached it to a bean in our space. We all got a turn at pulling up a bucket full of books. We tried lifting the bucket without the pulley and it was very hard. When we used the pulley it was much easier because Mr Jacobsen said that there are actually 2 ropes helping to lift the load.

We had a really cool afternoon. Thank you Mr Jacobsen for coming to our space.

Saturday, 5 May 2018


This is our first PENN Movie in our new learning space for Term 1 2018.